Artist Jamie Harrington
Going Deeper 2023

Deep Roots & Storm Tested

On the drive to Raleigh today, I remembered part of the inspiration for the “Rooted & Grounded in Love” painting. Earlier that (same) year, we had a women’s event at Gateway; and the speaker gave an illustration of growing these massive trees in a greenhouse. They would grow & be huge, but after a while, they would fall over because their roots weren’t deep. They later found out that the tree developed deep roots by enduring strong winds & storms, but because that didn’t occur in the “perfect conditions greenhouse,” the roots never developed. That illustration & that verse made me wonder what a tree firmly rooted in love yet enduring storms would look like . . . that painting (above) is the result.

Read Jamie’s first part of this story in her Devotional Post from “Growing Deeper” Day 5: Love​