
December 4, 2022

Series: Advent 2022



What do we hope (now and not yet) for? Peace!

Why is love a central theme of the gospel and a requirement for the members of Christ’s church? What is peace (Shalom)? How do we get this peace? How does being at peace affect our daily lives? How do we think peace happens and are we right or wrong? How does being at peace with God affect our relationship with those not at peace with God? Who can receive God’s peace?

Peace doesn’t come from having all the “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed, and having every circumstance in life to your liking, that’s not peace, that’s stress management. Real peace only comes from being made right with God and that’s something only Jesus can do. Much of the time we chase the results of peace not the source. 

Once peace is lost, it often requires a lot of pain to restore it.

Peace is more about relationship than circumstance 

Today we’re going to see how peace is made (How it’s Made)

The Peace we receive from Christ is very real in the present, although many times it is confined to our Spirits, but it is also a foreshadow of an inescapable peace to come. The peace in our heart that comes from being made right with God through his son Jesus Christ is an assurance of a time to come where all things will be brought into this peace. It will not only be confined to the inner man but will be the only experience all living things and creation will have. The peace we receive now in Spirit testifies to us and reveals to those who have not yet come into the Kingdom what will be. 

Peace when lost can only be found through violence, purging and destruction of the thing that broke it. This is sin; rebellion against God’s law. Unable to purge this rebelion from ourselves we required a savior that could do this on our behalf if we were ever to achieve peace again. We understand this very well, this is why we wage wars, yet the outcome is never peace but more war, unrest and brokenness. So we see our attempts to bring peace always fail. Perhaps we are fighting against the wrong thing? Perhaps there is something more sinister than flesh? Our nature. Not only do we sin but we are inherently sinful. We are inherently broken, void of peace. So how can we achieve something we’ve never had or experienced – would we know it if we saw it? The Pharisees and priests didn’t, so how can we? There is only one way to find this peace we all desire (whether we know it or not) and that is to receive Christ as he is, The Prince of this Peace, The Peace embodied, the one who speaks it to all nations.

Isaiah 9:6 “The Prince of Peace.”

Micah 5:2-5 “And he shall be their peace.”

Zechariah 9:10 “And he shall speak peace to the nations.”

“Peace” H7965/H7999 = Shalom: Completeness, wholeness, reconciliation, safety, provision, rest

Luke 2:14 “Peace on earth…” The angel’s declaration to the shepherds

“Peace” G1515 = Eirene: Tranquility, exemption from war/havoc, harmony between people

Matthew 8:23-27 “Peace be still.” Jesus calms the storm

Matthew 10:34-36 “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

“Peace” G1515 = Eirene: Tranquility, exemption from war/havoc, harmony

Matthew 11:12 “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by storm”

Colossians 1:20 “having made peace through the blood of His cross…”

Romans 5:1 “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Peace w/ God

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you…” Inner peace

Galatians 3:28 “for you are all one in Christ.” Peace with others

What does peace do?

Guards our hearts from the devil (Philippians 4:6-7)

Brings us joy (Proverbs 12:20)

Is a blessing from God (Psalm 29:11)

Assists us during dire circumstances (Isaiah 54:10)


[Example: Matthew 16:15-19] 



Exercise: When was the last time you really felt at peace, like with relationships and life circumstances? Was there ever a time that feeling 

PEACE LOST (What is Peace?)

  1. Peace is right relationship between all things; God, man and creation
  2. Peace was lost when our right relationship with God was lost and therefore real peace (Shalom) can only be experienced by that relationship being reconciled.
  3. Peace is inherently 

PEACE PROMISED (Where does peace come from?)

  1. Peace comes from the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ
  2. Peace always comes through pain
  3. Losing peace is painful but so is the process of restoring it.

PEACE FOUND (Who is peace for and how do they get it?)

God made us peacemakers alongside Christ. We, like the angelic host, proclaim peace to the world.


May we be reminded of the peace we have received and the great violence that was required in order for us to receive it. May we hold the hope of that peace out to the world in the way we walk, as children of that peace.


  • Forgiveness story: forgiving the crew member that cursed me / forgiving believers
  • Words story: ?


What is the difference between a “Peacekeeper” and a “Peacemaker”?

  1. Peace Keeping assumes peace already exists and is simply maintenance, a way to keep an already healthy relationship healthy.
  2. Peace Making deals with the situation where peace has been lost and does the work to regain peace in the relationship through reconciliation.