There is Hope – Because He Lives
Because He lives all fear is gone.
“ I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33
The early 1970’s was a time of great turmoil for the Whole world including the United States. In the USA, Vietnam protests were turning violent. The deaths of students at Kent State hung in the air. Racial clashes were making the headlines; and the trials concerning the grisly murder of actress Sharon Tate by the hands of Charles Manson and his people were under way. Around the world there were airplane hijackings, riots, terrorist uprisings, a rise in drug addiction, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, government takeovers, and the list goes on.
It was during this time that songwriter Gloria Gaither was preparing to give birth to her third son. She was overwhelmed by the darkness around her and questioned how she felt about bringing a child into the world. Then suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, she was filled with a gentle, calming peace. It was as if her heavenly Father, like an attentive mother bending over her baby, saw his child and came to her rescue. The panic gave way to calmness and an assurance that only the Lord can impart. She was assured that the future would be just fine, left in God’s hands.
It was after this experience Gloria and her husband Bill wrote the song, “Because He Lives” The lyrics still ring true today and are sung throughout the world bringing hope and assurance that our future is secure.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow
Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives

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