Day 4: Stewardship
- 1 Timothy 6:17
- Proverbs 11:3-4
- Psalm 24:1
- Through the Bible '23
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."
Psalm 24:1 ESV Tweet
When we mention stewardship in the church we tend to focus on the tithe or financial giving. But that is only a part of being a good steward. Stewardship basically means managing something on behalf of another person or group (possibly including yourself). Our growth group did a study on stewardship by Tony Evans a couple of years ago. Dr. Evans focused on three areas where we need to consider our stewardship: Time, Talents, and Treasure. The tithe would be a part of our Treasure – but not necessarily cover the entire concept. We all only have 24 hours in a day. But how do we ‘spend’ those hours. On the contrary, everyone possesses a different mix of talents or skills. What are yours and how do you employ them?
As you fast today, whatever that looks like, take time to consider these three areas relating to stewardship. In regards to being stewards of the Lord’s Church, how are you using your time, talents, and treasures? This is not limited just to the local body (Gateway in this context), but the greater concept of ‘The Church’ of which Gateway is a part. What resources do you have (as far as time, talents, and treasure) and how are you putting them to use in the Church? Are there any places the Lord is asking you to give more attention. Or maybe places where you need to pull back. Yes, we can overdo on some things. Take this opportunity to seek Him honestly and be prepared to respond as the Holy Spirit directs you.

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